Thursday, July 24, 2008

I should be going to Curves this morning. I SHOULD clean my house. Instead, I think I'll sit right here and blog. This summer of high gas prices has been okay so far. We purchased Mass Transit Passes for Ivy and Rae Lynn. This was necessary because I've had enough of hanging out at the mall while Ivy and company network. A person can only drink just so much Starbucks and I've purchased enough Yankee candles to light Yankee Stadium. So now I stay home and the girls are independant women riding the trolley to and fro. It's really fun when they call me from some distant trolley station and they're screaming at each other (sister spat). They argue back and forth and then hang up. I'm sure they just want me to know they're having fun. I tell myself this is good for them.

Turns out I don't have to work today, so...what shall I do with myself?


Laura said...

I found you!!! This could be fun. Lets bring this up at the book club meeting and see if anyone else is interested in joining us.

Teri Crocker said...

Yes, that's great, but the back and forth is tricky. For instance, you will have to come back to my spot and read responses to my blog to get this here message I'm typin' right now. I intend to followup with an email. I couldn't figure out how to post a "response" on your blog spot beccause YOU HAVEN'T BLOGGED YET. I just don't know how good you're going to be at this Laura.